Healing Necklaces and Crystals Do They Work

I’m not here to debate whether healing necklaces and Crystals really work or not. If you believe you believe, if you don’t then you don’t. I just find that this is an interesting topic. Therefore, I decided to start doing some research on this ancient old healing process. I must say that for myself I am a little skeptical, however, I have an open mind about it. Many people wear copper or magnets around some parts of their joints for healing and swear by it. So, my thoughts are why can’t certain stones be just as magical? Again, I try to have an open mind about things. I want to give you some insight as to what I found. However, there may be truth in whether healing necklaces and crystals do work.

healing necklaces and crystals

What Is Chi?

Chi comes from the roots of the traditional Chinese culture referring to the vital life force or energy that runs through a living being. Chi represents radiance and vitality in life, health, and order in our bodies. Having compassion for yourself and others. How you may attract yourself to other human beings, some call it your personality. Chi is the essence of who you are. It is the energy force that runs through our bodies providing us with circulation, nutrients, and minerals that we need to be Healthy.

EMF Protection

EMF (electromagnetic fields) can be a big health risk that many says comes from our cell phones. Other common sources are cable lines, power lines, and microwaves. After seeing that I could be harming myself by using my cell phone, I’m almost scared to use it. Whatever happened to the good ole days? EMF radiation consists of waves of the EMF by spreading through space. Therefore, carrying EMR includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, X-rays, and gamma rays. There are some who believe they have found a natural way to protect us from EMF.

Does Healing Necklaces and Crystals Really Work?

I can not honestly say yes or no on this matter. However, I will say that I am a believer in natural healing and well-being. I will always look for natural remedies herbs, plants, and maybe a crystal before taking any pills from a doctor. I’m a firm believer that pharmaceutical companies are the most corrupt corporation (outside our Goverment) in this country. I find that taking natural products, made correctly, has a great impact on my health and well-being. So, I must say that if you believe something like a healing necklace and crystals will help then it probably will.

Chi-O Jewelry For You

I said in the beginning that I like to have an open mind about things and I hope by now you do too. Therefore, I would like for you to learn about some Chi-O jewelry I have found for you.

When the first piece Of Chi-O jewelry was born the only bad feedback was that they wish it to be pretty and more like a pendant. So with the collaboration of Dr. Don Paris Ph.D., the Inventor, and artist Mark Lee is self-evident in the Jewelry Chi-O. So Go Here and See All The Wonderful Chi-O Jewelry

How It Is Made

It doesn’t matter if you believe in the healing process or not. It is beautiful jewelry and priced right, the healing will just be an extra bonus for you. and after all, it defiantly won’t kill or hurt you.

More than just Healing Necklaces and Crystals

Have you ever felt off balance but couldn’t nail down the exact reason why? I know I have. They are many reasons that may be to blame for your fatigue, brain fog, or irritability. We have the solution for that right here. I mentioned early how I am a big believer in using Natural Products that are made the right way. Therefore I would like you to go check out what I like to call the TRIFECTA EFFECT. These three products are the best on the market and when taking all Three together your life will surely change. Go Here To See What I’m Ravening About. They have changed my life completely.