The Future With Cryptocurrency

I have heard of Bitcoin back a few years ago during what I call the “Bitcoin Craze.” However, I knew very little about Bitcoin. Therefore, when my son-in-law told me I should invest in Bitcoin I told him no way. Big Mistake, however, hindsight is 20/20 as the saying goes. Since the “Bitcoin Craze” many cryptocurrencies have evolved to the forefront. So, what is the future with cryptocurrency? Is it the future of our money or just a fad that will go away?

The Future Of Cryptocurrency Today and Tomorrow

the future of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is much like buying stock. It goes up and down in value and also you have to pick wisely as to what to buy. Financial advisors all have a difference of opinion as to whether or not you should invest in cryptocurrency. I myself find investing in cryptocurrency the way to go. Although I am just a novice, I do believe in doing the research before buying. Just beware, like everything else on the internet they are some scammers out there.

What Is Cryptocurrency

cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many different cryptocurrencies are used for making purchases Globally. It is the securest and fastest way to send or receive payments. The banks or Government does regulate cryptocurrency or transactions. It is a digital payment system that doesn’t rely on the banks to verify or hold on to your transaction. When banks receive a transaction they can hold that money for a day or two therefore they are making money with your money.

How Does Cryptocurrency Work

Cryptocurrency uses encryption to verify all transactions, that is how it got its name. Units of crypto are made through a process known as Mining. This process is possible by using computer power to solve complicated math problems that generate the coins. However, if you own any cryptocurrency you don’t own anything tangible. So, What do you own? You own a key that allows you to move a record or unit of measure from one person to another without a third party.

Cryptocurrency Wallets

Cryptocurrency Wallets are similar to a stockbroker. It is where you store your cryptocurrency and are able to buy or trade other cryptocurrencies. There are many different ones to choose from. However, in 2020 CoinBase was the first Wallet to go public. Furthermore, when CoinBase went public it was at the height of the financial news and that is when I started learning more about Cryptocurrency. You Can Go Here and Sign Up For CoinBase For Free. They give you the opportunity to earn free Cryptocurrency as well as Free Bitcoin. They also have great information about different Cryptocurrencies therefore you will be getting educated by the experts. Take your free cryptocurrency and play around with it as you learn, that is what I did.

The Future With Cryptocurrency and Mining Cryptocurrency

The future with cryptocurrency

Typically Speaking to mine cryptocurrency you would need to have a warehouse full of computers. Can you imagine that cost, let alone the electric bill? However, there are some apps out now where you can mine your own Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. I can imagine there will be more and more of these types of apps in the future. If so, I will let you know here. The one I use now to mine Bitcoins is Computta. That’s right I am mining bitcoins as I sit here and write this Blog. You Can Go Here It Is Free, Yes Free and Start Mining Your Own Bitcoins How awesome is that?

I believe there is a Future With Cryptocurrency. We are living in a changing world today. The way we shop, the way we communicate, even the way we work. It is all changing drastically and I prefer to be out in front of the change, Rather than being left behind. How about You?