Dreaming – Bigger Dreams

Dreaming – Bigger Dreams: I think sometimes we are afraid to dream big. After all, most of us are told at an early age that we are being silly to Dream Big. Therefore we don’t or we are afraid to do so. I do not know of any self-made millionaire that didn’t dream big. My mentor Rory Ricord has got me back on the path of Dreaming Bigger Dreams and then manifesting them. I think we all have dreams however we don’t manifest those dreams because we don’t believe enough in ourselves to make them come true.

Dreaming VS Fantasizing

Dream - Bigger Dreams

Dreaming: When I am talking about dreaming I am not talking about the kind you have sleeping. However, I am referring to The Dream that you consciously dream about. Such as a fine car, big house, time freedom, exotic vacations, etc. Maybe you are a kid and you dream to play a professional sport, be a rock star, or being an Olympian. I think as a kid we all start out with those kinds of dreams in life. However, somewhere along the line, we let those dreams go. We start listening to all the naysayers in our lives that tell us those dreams are silly or impossible. However, those dreams are possible as long as we set goals and make a plan and work on the plan to reach those dreams.

Fantasizing: Is dreaming without a goal or plan to get what you want. It is easy to say I want to be a millionaire. However, if you don’t have a plan and set goals to become a millionaire it isn’t a dream. It is nothing more than a fantasy. Someone who says “oh I want a big house on the ocean” that’s great but without a plan and setting goals to work for that big house it isn’t a dream, it is a fantasy. So, be careful not to confuse Dreaming with Fantasizing.

I’m Dreaming Bigger Dreams

My biggest dream in life is to start a foundation called Seniors Off The Street (SOS). There are so many senior citizens that are homeless. Every time I see one sitting on a bench or crossing the street with their bags or cart my heart goes out to them. That could be me or you. It doesn’t matter how or what got them to the point of homelessness it shouldn’t be. Social Security doesn’t pay enough to pay rent let alone utilities and food. Furthermore, health care for seniors sucks too. Therefore if senior citizens have no family to help them and no life savings what are they to do?

Some say they are homeless because they made bad choices in life. Well, they may be right but most come from disasters in their life that were uncontrollable. Don’t be so quick to judge. Therefore I would like to see Seniors Off the Street. Offer them resources to have a place to live, work if they are able, and have good health care. There is a lot we can learn from old people, they have life experiences and a lot of wisdom.

Dream Snatchers

Big dreams will come when you make small dreams a reality. Therefore your small dreams may be just paying off some debts, buying a car, or just being able to take a vacation. Whatever your dream is small or big do not let anyone take it away from you. I call them Dream Snatchers. We all have them in our lives. Remember when someone tells you that your dream is silly, there is a millionaire walking around who invented the Pool Noodle. My advice, from experience, Don’t listen to the Dream Snatchers! My Big Dream will happen someday and Yours will too. So, GO DREAM BIG!

Quote: If your Dream Doesn’t Scare You It Isn’t Big Enough!

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