Online Homeschooling – Brainfood Academy

Online homeschooling is a big topic today. No wonder our public schools have become so bad. We have a better solution for our kids to get a better education. After all, isn’t a better education and learning environment what most parents want for their kids? Go here and start your child or children with a safer and better education with Brainfood Academy!

Public School System

Unfortunately, our public school system is failing us all across our great nation. However, I do not find that surprising, because that is what happens when you replace God with Goverment. Brainfood Acadamy, with its Online Homeschooling, has taken the government out of teaching.

Online Home Schooling

Public Schools now look like prison institutions when driving by them, with fences and some with barbed wire across the top. When the children arrive at school the first person to greet them is an armed officer. Also, in some of the schools they have to go through a metal detector. Instead of practicing fire drills they now practice shooting drills. It is no wonder our kids aren’t performing in school as they should. Is this the type of environment you would want to spend your day in? Not Me!

Our Public School Curriculum

The public school curriculum keeps lowering the standard of learning rather than raising it. All to get better National Test Results to make it seem all kids are getting a great education. The United States ranks 13th in the world on education so tell me how lowering our expectations rather than raising them is good for our children. And NO you can’t blame the teachers. They are told what they can teach and what they can not teach. Also, they have no control on discipline in classrooms, hallways, and throughout the school. It took me up to about middle school before I figured it out. *If I didn’t want to get my ass busted both at school and home I had better behave. Therefore I learned to behave! *(this blog is not about political correctness it is about speaking the truth)

Is Online HomeSchooling Best For Your Child?

When my grandson was starting his 8th grade year of school he went to his mother and told her he felt that it would be best if he did home schooling for that year. While in the 7th grade, he had a few incidents where kids tried to get him to do things he knew were wrong. Because he stood up to his morals and said no he was harrassed by others. He did not want to ruin his opportunity to go to a high school of his choice. His story is long however he was rewarded in many ways for his decision to do home-schooling. Therefore to answer the question of whether online schooling is best for your child, that is something you have to decide. Maybe talk with your child about it, and get their input.

About Brainfood Academy Online Homeschooling

Brainfood Academy is an online private school that your children attend in the comfort of their own homes. They will be in a live classroom with a live teacher. Therefore you don’t have to be the teacher or worry about learning the curriculum. BFA (Brain Food Academy) has a national curriculum that far exceeds any other online homeschooling. What that means is that no matter what state you live in your child can attend here and receive the best education. Also, BFA can provide your child with education in eight other countries. BFA grades are K-12th grade, so kindergarten goes for free. Set Up Your Parent Account Free Here!

BFA Teachers

The teachers are some of the best in the world. They teach with passion and with the desire for each student to learn. They will be teaching your child to think for themselves. The teachers will make learning fun yet open their minds to be able to think on their own. BFA will teach your child the right way, some call it “The Old School” way. By The Way, we are always looking for new teachers P/T and F/T and also, Tutors P/T & F/T. If you would like to join our team of awesome teachers you can send your resume here.

Is There Any Funding For Online Private Schools?

Yes, as with most private schools, there is funding for private, homeschool and online education. You just have to know where to look. However, most people just don’t have the time to look or know where to start. Well, Brainfood Academy, has solved this issue for you. Below are a few places you can get some vital information about funding for your family. Each of these sites has some very good information that you can utilize with our Brainfood Academy. So, do your due diligence and make sure that your family and student have everything they need to get started with us.

Start Here For A Better Education

Open up a free parent account. With all of our programs here at Brainfood Academy, you need an account to access the information. Let’s get you started with a free parent account. Once the student account is ready, then you can set up the student account and enroll your student for classes. At that time, your tuition will begin. Remember, kindergarten is Free. You only pay the one-time fee of $99.00 to be able to access the curriculum and your child’s resources.

Online Homeschooling Open House

You can join us every Wednesday at 8:30 pm Eastern time, 7:30 pm Central time, 6:30 pm Mt. Time, and 5:30 pm Pacific time. This is when we have our Open House Live on Zoom. click here to attend or copy and paste it into your browser ( Bring Your Questions there and Get The Answers.