A 5th Grade Basketball Team

I had the great pleasure of watching my grandson play basketball this year on his 5th-grade basketball team. I don’t think that I missed a single game, although that isn’t what this is about. As their season ended this past weekend I took a moment to reflect back on some of the memorable moments. The fast-break layups, steals, 3 point shots made. More so, all the good things a proud grandfather remembers about his grandson. Although, all of that will be forever in my mind that isn’t the most memorable thing I have seen this year. This isn’t just about my grandson, this is about a group of young kids that I learned a big lesson in life that I wished I had learned at a much younger age. So hopefully you learn this lesson now.

Winning and Losing

At the beginning of the season watching this group of kids play, they weren’t so good. In other words, they were talented but did not win many games. Some would say, hey they’re kids, it’s not about winning. I disagree with teaching kids that it is ok to lose that it’s all about having fun. Then you are teaching them it is ok not to be competitive and more often than not that will be how they approach their adult life. Ok, back to what I learned from these kids. So, as I was saying, in the beginning, they weren’t playing as a team, but as their season progressed they seemed to start playing better. I notice that they were playing more like a team, and winning more games. This is what I realized and it smacked me right in the head. 

Willing to Listen & Learn

5th Grade Basketball Team

The difference between the beginning of the season and the end of the season was these kids were willing to Listen and Learn. Therefore, that by playing as a whole team with one common goal they could win. How amazing is that? If we are Willing to Listen to what our peers ( Couch, Teacher, Boss, Trainer, or Whomever ) and Willing to Learn what they have to share with us how much more successful could we be in life. How much more Productive would your company be if You Work Together As A Team rather than just as A Player?

This not only applies to your job or career but this can also be applied in every aspect of our lives. Willing to Listen and Willing To Learn is what I learned from a 5th great basketball team. My point with this is when given a proven task that works don’t try changing it. Imagine how much more and much faster you can accomplish your goals if only You are Willing To Listen and Learn.

A Great Group Of Kids

Hard2Guard 5th Grade Team

5th Grade Basketball Team Out Come For Willing to Listen & Learn


When you are willing to listen and to learn in life there are great rewards for you. Whether it be as a team or as an individual, this Team of Kids found that to be true. A couple of weeks ago they played in the State tournament for 5th graders. Five of the hardest games they had played all season. They played with their hearts and their pride, but most of all they played as a team. Their reward for working so hard together as one and being willing to LISTEN & LEARN the State Championship! Congratulations Hard2Guard 5th-grade Team, not just for winning your State Championship but for teaching an Old Man how important it is to be Willing to Listen and Willing to Learn but also How Much More You Can Accomplish As A Team rather than as Just A Player.